Wednesday, May 26, 2010


'Ello all,

So it's Wednesday, I'm listening to some uplifting Jack Peñate, oh yes. Okay, so yesterday I came across a Jake Gyllenhaal portrait, and I think it's the most adorable portrait I have ever seen, he's such a dork, but you know, in an adorable way...

{Source: I think this?}

Precious, I know.
Anywho, Nylon Magazine displayed some tidbits from MiuMiu's Autumn/Winter 2010 accessories collection, and I will say that I'm not a fan of the hangbags, one of them looks like Kermit in latex... It just looks like someone got too excited with a glue gun and just glued all sorts of shit to anything and everything. But I do like the shoes, I don't wear heels myself, I'm 5'7 and a HALF (very important), and I tower over most normies anyway, plus I actually like my feet and I want to keep them. But here are the heeeeeeeeeeeels. The black pair is cute, and perfect for them girly girls who like flowers and pastel colours, you know what I'm talking about?

{Source: Nylon}

And finally, just for pure entertainment value, I want to introduce you to the Jimi Wallet! So, yesterday I'm browsing through Function 13's online store, as all self-respecting people do, and I come across this wallet, and it amused me so much, I am considering buying one for myself.

{Source: Heeeeeere}

This is meant to be the solution for bulky wallets (do you like the pretty Canadian $20 bill in the upper photo?). I think it just looks adorably nerdy, and I feel like I need it in my life. I will obviously go there in person, pssht ordering online is for non-Torontonians... Mwuaha... We should all get one and start a revolution. I'm not sure if they deliver outside of Canada, but if they do, or if you got one, let me know. Alright, well Imma go make meself a fat-ass sandwich. Toodles.


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and also for your comment... can't wait to explore yours... looks like you have a great sense of humour!!! Hope you enjoyed our toronto weather today!


  2. loving this! really fun
    youve got a great blog, keep it up!
    thanks for sharing, i'll be watching your posts


  3. I *love* those Miu Miu shoes, they're gorgeous! And how I wish I was 5'7 and a half! I'm barely 5' tall, so I don't care if I ruin my feet with heels - I need all the height I can get, lol!

